viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

Predicting the 53 man roster for 2018

   Its almost here, its almost time for the 2018 season to begin and while it hasn't been a smooth ride from the end of last season to this point, it really doesn't matter I just want this season to start already. There are good vibes coming from the Bears locker room from what I have read but its still early, for its only the first year of newcomer coach Matt Nagy. The ex-QB turn coach has had a good first impression on everybody from the owners and players to the media and fans. It didn't take him long to show hes not afraid of change with the recent announcement that he would rest almost all of his starters and not play them for the final two games of the preseason so they can be ready for week 1 against the Packers. As a fan I get it, he wants to get to the season with as many healthy starters as possible against a difficult first quarter of the season and with the recent history of injured Bears not surviving preseason it really isn't difficult to understand this decision, what is difficult is knowing how it will affect the players understanding and execution of the new playbook more so for he offense, but Nagy put it to rest  by saying that its his team and know where its at. So yeah you believe in him or you don't, I choose to believe the guy.
   In other events from this offseason, we got the Roquan Smith holdout. Only good thing about this is that its over and he is signed but from there on out it has gone poorly. His development took a halt with his hamstring injury, not getting enough reps to even play in one of the two preseason games he could of played and now we will have to see how many reps he can get at games that do matter. It was rather odd to see him be the last player drafted to sing his contract due to contract terms when he wasn't the only LB picked in the first round, or the Bears organization screwed it up by getting to cocky with special terms or Smiths agent blew it by taking burning to much time getting to specific, Roquan's decision I understand in not getting on the field until guaranteeing a contract because if he gets hurt worse as he is now, who knows when he would get a deal done then.
   Supposedly the contract terms that where so troublesome to correct where because of the new tackling rule established this year by the NFL where they focused more on hits made or intended with the crown of the helmet which I don't have a problem with, but the players do with reason, I understand when some don't know what to do when in a situation where they would normally lead with the helmet to initiate the hit but I see it as a way to change their ways and use technique, easy no but impossible I don't think so. But watching some of the penalties called on these preseason games that the league and refs are using to experiment with the new rules I see that it is difficult for them to call it right and worst is by having this rule its making them call hard hit as penalties and that shouldn't be a given that if the hit is hard it should be an automatic foul and what I hate most of what i have seen is that its more focused on the defense and not applied to the offensive player when lowering the helmet to ram defenders over. For these reasons I believe the league should make their refs study more film and be ready for next season maybe to apply this rule.
OK so the 2018 Chicago Bears roster, how do I think its going to look like,

QB Mitch Trubisky, Chase Daniel
So two should be enough this year where Mitch the apprentice will take the helm and Chase the vet is already familiar with the system and showed he can handle himself with some good plays made this preseason. I don't know if teams still carry three QBs on their team but I don't see the need here.

RB Jordan Howard, Tarik Cohen, Benny Cunningham, Knile Davis
I wouldn't have a problem if the prefer going with Michael Burton instead of Davis, think it will tell me more of the type of offense Nagy will run depending on which they choose. Cunningham showed this preseason he should be the 3rd back. I read that Ryan Nall could play FB as well as RB, if this is true than forget about Davis or Burton, get this guy a spot.

WR Allen Robinson, Taylor Gabriel, Anthony Miller, Kevin White, Javon Wims, Josh Bellamy
Choosing this group is kind of easy, but knowing how they are going to perform and who is going to play "Y" is not as easy. This is the hard part when taking in Nagy's word and not take those extra snaps in the preseason, but again one thing is what we see and another what Nagy sees in practice. But the ones that did play and played good benefited big time, White and Wims demonstrated that they deserve a shot this season and with the size and speed they bring you cant get but somewhat exited about these guys.

TE Trey Burton, Dion Sims, Daniel Brown, Adam Shaheen
I placed Shaheen last only because his health status is still in the air, Nagy says he s not going to IR but didn't mention if he could go to the PUP list which I see happening. If this is the case then they should bring in Ben Braunecker and keep four TEs in the team because all four have played very well and should be a strenght on this offense.

OL Charles Leno Jr., Erick Kush, Cody Whitehair, Kyle Long, Bobby Massie, Bradley Sowell, Jordan Morgan, James Daniels
Sowell could be hurt for a long time so if this happens then Rashaad Coward could end on the team but wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong on this one because Sowell would have been the swing T where Coward is still learning the position and couldn't be counted on to cover one of both T positions, he should be concentrated at one for now. Kush get to start on LG but this positions is still strongly fought for. Other that that position the other positions are very set for week 1.

DL A. Hicks, E. Goldman, R. Robertson-Harris, J. Bullard, J. Jenkins, B. Nichols
The DL is going to be the heart and soul of the defense, if this defense plays good its going to be because this group will open the doors for the LB to go get the ball if they don't get there first. Nichols showed good play when on the field and consider he should get a spot in an already strong group where he can learn from them.

OLB L. Floyd, S. Acho, I. Iring, K. Fitts, K. Edebali
This group is going to need all the help they can get from the DL until Floyd get back to good health if he ever get there this season. I dont think Aaron Lynch should get on the team because he hasn't been around to much and the rookies have shown they can get to the ball. So I prefer the team develops these new guys instead of having someone who is as much a question mark as the other guys and maybe get injured again.

ILB Danny Trevathan, Nick Kwiatkoski, Roquan Smith, John Timu
I cant believe myself I'm giving Timu a spot but its the only one I have seen making plays on these preseason games, I would give it to Joel Iyiegbuniwe but haven't seen him do much at games, neither has Smith college production backs him up. If I'm right and Timu is the pick, this group is worrisome.

DB Kyle Fuller, Prince Amukamara, Bryce Callahan, Creveon LeBlanc, Sherick McManis, Kevin Toliver
Aside from Toliver, everybody is back and boy is this a good thing, getting better at communicating between these guys and safeties will be huge, they already showed they can play, its all on how healthy they can keep themselves that will matter now. Toliver get the last spot mainly because of the rave he got from camp and practice, who gets picked will be the one the coaches see who shown more promise and growth.

S Eddie Jackson, Adrian Amos, Dion Bush, DeAndre Hall
Same guys, know the playbook, better communication. That the same secondary group returns along Vic Fangio makes me hopeful that the OLBs will get more time to get to the QB. Amos has been targeted with negative comments about if he should be considered a starter caliber player, this will be his year to make a statement to the critics.

K Cody Parkey
Hes been better than Connor Barth right? Ugh letting Robbie Gould go I believe is the one bad thing I will never forget about Paces carrier with the Bears so far.

P Pat O'Donnell
Haven't payed much attention to this position battle so ill just go with the same guy.

LS Patrick Scales
Same here.

As a team, this is almost a very solid team if not for some injuries and 1 or 2 players short of being a great team on paper that should be considered an underdog playoff team at leat. Based on this years schedule and the division their in tho, its going to be a hard ride to consider getting a playoff spot,   theres a shot at not ending at the bottom of the division for a third straight year. So now we wait a little to see what the team is going to be that will fance a hard first quarter of the2018 season.

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